Hello everyone!
Hope you are all well! First of all, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while, things have been pretty hectic since going back to uni for my final year with lectures, assignments (already?!), placements, PGCE applications and of course my dreaded dissertation, haha! I will try to find a new routine with my blogging and keep posts as regular as possible. Also, a big hello to my new followers! I've noticed recently a little flurry of notifications from Bloglovin' letting me know that I have new followers, it's always lovely to see, especially as my blog is still very new and only has a small following. I write my blog because I enjoy it, I don't make any special efforts to gain more followers or anything so it always surprises me and makes me smile to see that someone has found Lilybet Loves and has liked my posts enough to follow me, thank you :)
Now on to what you came to see, the Foreo Luna Mini. I'll admit that I hadn't even heard of this until I received an email from Bzz Agent (a product testing panel which I am part of, more info below) inviting me to try this out at a discounted price of £27 instead of the £99 RRP. I did some quick Googling and read a few reviews but what actually swayed me to take part was seeing that the Luna Mini was being sold in Selfridges and Harvey Nichols, that's probably really silly but I thought that if they're selling it then it must be good! The Luna Mini is a smaller version of the original Luna which is obviously larger in size and comes in three colours which correspond to different skin types; white for ultra-sensitive, pink for normal/sensitive and blue for combination skin types. The Luna Mini doesn't have different versions for different skin types but does have much more choice when it comes to colour as you can choose from pink, turquoise, magenta, grey and purple; I chose the magenta.
On receiving my Luna Mini I was first impressed with the packaging, which was minimal with a clean design, sleek and stylish- very Apple-esque! The Luna Mini itself was a perfect size to fit comfortably in my hand and to use on my face, and I love the bright pink colour that I chose! The Luna Mini is very simple to use, there is just one button and the instructions were clear and easy to follow. The Luna Mini also comes with a small white USB charger (no mains adaptor but I plugged the USB into my iPhone charger and it worked fine).

The Luna Mini uses T-Sonic (transdermal) pulsations to deep clean the skin (don't ask me how!) from dirt, oil and make up whilst still being gentle and suitable for all skin types. The silicone body has areas of different sized bobbles that you rub over the skin whilst cleansing and a contoured edge meaning that you can easily tailor how you use the Luna Mini for different areas of your face, ensuring an all over cleanse. This design is also a lot more hygienic and cost effective than traditional cleansing brushes as the silicone is much easier to clean and doesn't hang onto dirt and residues as much as a brush does and also means you don't have the expense of buying replacements, bonus!
Using the Luna Mini makes cleansing a little more fun and as you only use it for one minute at a time, it's a very easy addition to make to your cleansing routine. I love that there are two modes available as the vibration took a little getting used to when I first started using it but now I mostly use 'normal mode' unless my skin is feeling super sensitive, then I will switch to 'sensitive mode'. The Luna Mini will buzz when it's time to move to the next area of your face whilst cleasning so that the skin is cleansed evenly all over, this is really useful as I do tend to linger on my right cheek and forehead, neglecting my left cheek if not prompted to move on. A cute little blue light will come on when your one minute cleanse time is up too which is handy for reminding me not to overdo it! Foreo recommend avoiding cleansers that are clay or silicone based aswell as grainy cleansers when using the Luna Mini as these could cause damage to the silicone bobbles. Having tried a few different cleansers with mine I have found that although it works just fine with my cream and gel cleansers, my favourite to use it with is a balm or oil cleanser (my favourite is the Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter) as they seem to help the Luna Mini glide over the skin and amplify the pulsations, making me feel more relaxed and thoroughly cleansed. I love using my Luna Mini in the evenings as the face massage that Luna Mini gives is really relaxing, however, it is also great in the morning with a fresh and fruity face wash to give you and your skin a wake up call. I have seen a difference in my skin after using the Luna Mini, it feels smoother, softer and cleaner, which I think helps my skincare products (moisturisers etc.) to work better and leaves my skin looking clearer and brighter. Finally, the battery lasts for ages! I fully charged mine when I received it, as per the instructions and a month later, after daily use, I'm still waiting for it to need charging again. I would definitely recommend this product, although I'm not sure if I would pay full price for it, that seems a little expensive, however when compared with similar products (facial cleansing brushes etc.) the Luna Mini does a better job in my opinion and doesn't have any ongoing costs associated with it so would probably be better value in the long run.
What's your favourite way to cleanse? Have you tried the Luna Mini?
** For those of you who don't know Bzz Agent is a product testing panel, it's free to join and open to everyone. I joined in March this year and have already taken part in 15 campaigns ranging from food and sweets to beauty products, deodorants, clothing dyes and stain remover! The more campaign activities you complete (reviews, conversations, social media updates etc.) to a good standard, the higher your Bzz score and the more likely you will be invited to participate in future campaigns. I've put a link in so you can check it out if you're interested (this is not sponsored by Bzz Agent or anything like that I just think it's a great way to try new things for free or at a heavy discount and thought I would share it with you all.)
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